Essence of the week…Rue

This week’s essence is the powerful and ancient Rue, also known as Herb of Grace. When you just need to “Let it go” like Princess Elsa in the movie Frozen this is the essence for you. Not for nothing does rue also mean regret which this deeply spiritual oil helps with.

This Balkan grown herb was used by the ancient Romans for protection from the evil eye and the plant is also used in Santeria and Wiccan rituals. It works on protecting the Higher Self and helps release any deep seated fears, known and unknown. It really is a psychic powerhouse and protector as well as being deeply cleansing. I don’t often get to use it but recently in my week’s residency at Onda Beauty in Sag Harbor I found myself inserting it into most of the custom sessions. It seems like all of the recent astrological and planetary weather has made people feel unsettled and having to face some old fears and hurts. If this sounds like you right now then try some “Essence of Elsa” and just let it all go with Rue…you won’t regret it! Try it in one of my bespoke, custom detox sessions.