Essence of the week…Spikenard oil

This weeks essential oil is the ancient and precious Spikenard also known as Nard. It is mostly grown in the Himalayas of Nepal and was used in ancient Rome and Egypt as a perfume and incense for ceremonial purposes. It has also been recorded in the Bible that Mary Magdalene used a pint of this extremely costly oil to anoint the feet of Jesus and Pope Francis’s coat of arms bears an illustration of the plant. No wonder that this deep and sedative oil has such powerful spiritual properties. This hypnotic and peaceful oil has been used on the Indian sub continent in many herbal remedies and is used for skin issues, female reproductive organs, as an anti bacterial and urinary problems.
It is extremely calming and good for anxiety and insomnia promoting peace and enlightenment. In my practice I have discovered that it acts like a deep truth serum for the mind body and spirit. I use it in conjunction with other essences to help promote deep relaxation and meditation and to help the other essences go deeper which is why I use it in my bespoke detox deep cleanse sessions.
It really helps with connection to ancient wisdom and deep spiritual thoughts by opening the 5th, 6th and 7th chakras…sweet dreams are made of this!

painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti