Essence of the week… Vetiver

Right now I feel like the whole World needs grounding. We all need to feel present and connected to the Earth, not in a crunchy Birkenstocky kinda way ( although earthing isn’t a bad idea!) but by being in the now and being honest about what is really important in life…how about love, truth and compassion?

This is why I have chosen the divine, pungent essence Vetiver as Essence of The Week.

This rich, exotic oil reminds me of my global travels and has the remarkable effect of bringing you back into yourself to be present and  grounded physically, emotionally and spiritually . This is particularly useful if you are “too much in your head” or are scattered and unfocused. It helps with mental exhaustion and depression as well as being a wonderful sleep aid. In India it is also used as a coolant and deodorant…great for our New York weather!  Oh, and it smells divine and is frequently used in many luxury fragrances, it is also a major component of my second (Root Chakra) 7 Door life journey sessions, Terra Firma , …see services and packages for more info.

I use the most exquisite highest grade wild, bio-dynamic or organic essences from around the world from an amazing Mom n Pop deeply spiritual company in Arizona called Wisdom of the Earth. Click on link to discover more.

It’s time to plant your feet firmly on the ground!