gay men, the new spiritual superheroes

FFS! Where my gays at spiritually? Don’t you get that we have the potential to be the new spiritual gangstas?
Like most box office superheroes we come from traumatic backgrounds, difficult childhoods, loss, separation and exclusion. We know what it’s like to have to carve out a life under the watchful gaze of hetero normalcy whilst hiding our precious superpower…our gayness! This potent and powerful ally makes us highly sensitive to both the divine feminine and the more revered masculine energies in the spiritual universe, no matter which bunk you choose to occupy. In order to live our lives to the fullest, whether out and proud or down low it is necessary for us to understand how masculine and feminine energies work. This helps us to find our balance within the gay universe.
Contemporary (non religious)spirituality is all about finding the balance with the male and female aspects of our nature. Integration and acceptance of all of what we perceive as the positive and negative elements of our personality are key. We need to accept and embrace the “dark” hidden side of our personalities along with the “good” side which we freely let others witness. This means that we have the advantage over our heterosexual brothers and sisters when it comes to seeking enlightenment and divine spiritual connection. We understand and live the dichotomy and the internal struggle!

We are the chosen, potentially destined to lead mankind into a gentler, more understanding way of being that is not confined to obvious gender roles. We hunger for unconditional love ( the basis of most spiritual practices) and acceptance.We totally get that we need to treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves, with openness and acceptance (another touchstone of most spiritual practices) as unique human beings with the right to simply be. We are the way forward and our mission, as a community, should we choose to accept it is to get down with our spiritual selves, find a daily practice, do the transformational work , and accept who we are with compassion. Self love is the most important love of all, it is only when we achieve this that we then we get to share the light….one Universe at a time!

in the meantime, kick back and enjoy Raquel Welch doing her campy best in this CBS Mayan extravaganza! and check out the first of my Seven Door Life Journeys, Love Potion to help you on your path to self love

article by Deepak Chopra on gays and spirituality