Me, my higher self and I have just returned from an amazing week long advanced aromatherapy course in Sedona. Held at the HQ of Wisdom of the Earth. These are the powerful consciously harvested, hand poured, organic and indigenous oils that I use in my personal and professional life. Six scentsational days of sniffing, smearing, dripping and tasting their incredible array of essences was enough to get a chap (legally) high as a kite! After taking their level one certification last year I introduced many of the essential oils into my burgeoning Reiki practice during the late summer months. The combination not only rocked my professional life but also had a profound effect on my inner private world. I felt as if I had found a new yet familiar language. Yes, the essences talked to me…not in a “Hi how are you doing” kind of way more like a (mostly) subtle guidance regarding mind, body or spirit matters.

Yes, I had trust issues, but learning to accept the intuitive whispers I was receiving helped me to trust that whatever essence or oil came into my mind was the right one for my clients, even when it seemed at odds with why they were coming to see me. After 20 minutes of intuitive counseling we would get to the deeper issues that were at the root of their problem. I love this mind, body, spirit detective work and this lead me to develop my Seven Door transformational Journey series.

These powerful sessions were given to me by the plants in two intense downloads late last summer. It was my ten commandments moment and I had no choice but to listen and dodge the lightening bolts!

The journeys, based on the chakra system, help to nurture, heal and transform my clients by unlocking their hidden potential one energy center at a time. With the power of the intuited essences working in conjunction with Reiki’s universal energy they also discover how to open up to their most authentic selves in a soothing safe environment and they leave smelling really good too!

The course wasn’t only about delving into their intoxicating collection of around 260 essences, it was also a journey of self discovery.Along with personal transformation, dark nights of the soul and yes, getting in touch with my super high, higher self. This was achieved through a series of meditations, channeling, working on aspects of love, inter dimensional communication, dance, shamanic work, medicine wheels and yes, talking directly with the trees, bushes and grasses. Some, chattier than others.

My first tree was particularly tall, dark and rather aloof but did open up about the connectivity of all living plants. The scrappy little tufts of grass I was drawn to were so thrilled to be noticed that they couldn’t help fronting and showing off their lineage…”well we’re related to beach grass and lemongrass and lawn grass etc”…I kid you not! But it was the rather sturdy plain old sage bush that really drew me in. It talked about how within “The Collective” there is power in being ordinary with purpose. If I cared to examine them more closely I would see that each cluster of leaves was unique and yet also working for the greater good. I found a socialist bush! They were all so, human?
Humanity shone through in many other ways too, most notably with the constant and consistent message that I need to apply my newly empowered self and the wisdom of the plants (chatty or otherwise) to bring the message of self healing and transformation via the essences and energy work to my tribe, the gay community…watch this space for news from The Lavender Letters…I should trademark that!