How a 200 meter journey changed my life

When I decided to “Use MY Lifesavings to Save My Life”  in the Spring of 2014 little did I know that my transformation was waiting for me 200m from my apartment on the Upper West Side of New York.

With my previous life as a glamorous magazine Style Director recently locked in my mental Vuitton trunk ( yes, with cedar wood chips) for future use! I stepped out of my building unclear as to where I was going or how I wanted to move my life forward. I was just going with the flow….Three minutes later, latte and donut in hand, I stood outside Naam Yoga Center  staring at the board offering unlimited yoga for two weeks for $20. “It’s a sign” I said to myself as I bounded up the well worn stairs to check out the space and the classes. I had found my flow.

This place became my sanctuary and a gateway to discovering more about my inner self with the help of the amazing and insightful teachers. Cut to one year later, I decided to take the Level 1 teacher training course. I didn’t do it in order to teach but to further explore my connection to all things spiritual, mystical and ancient.

Founded by it’s living Master Dr. Joseph Michael Levy Naam yoga teaches the spiritual alchemy of combining the practice of yoga and vibrating the Naam chanting prayer, with mudras and acupressure – sound therapy with the added depth of Universal Kabbalah…ancient wisdoms made contemporary!

This powerful combination pushes the boundaries of self discovery, self healing and self transformation and provided me with a new blueprint on how to live a more harmonious and balanced life…it is one of the most empowering journeys that I have undertaken on my quest for personal growth.

For more information:  click the link.