Meditation and The Laws of Desire

Desire isn’t a dirty word! I had long thought that the word desire had negative or ego driven connotations but have recently discovered that desire is natural and necessary to life. This is thanks to the latest in Oprah & Deepak’s 21 day meditation series The Energy of Attraction. These free daily meditations have helped me in my own process of self healing and transformation over the last four years.They also helped me with my daily practice as meditation was never my strong point! Their simple, profound and easy 20 minute discourse and meditation offer a daily journey into their chosen topic covering ideas ranging from “Hope in uncertain times”, “Creating peace from the inside out” and “Become what you believe”, plus eleven more titles. Following them has helped elevate my own thought processes about how to enrich and live my life to my fullest potential…oh, and did I mention that they are only 20 minutes?
Some of the pearls of wisdom I have discovered so far are that “if you change your intention you change your path” Oprah Winfrey and that “inner intention leads to outer results” Deepak Chopra. They talk about how to nurture your truest and most authentic desires from within and that all desire should be fueled by love. Added to that is the fact that desire is a creative act and your daily desires create your future…heady stuff! Who knew that the deeper your desire the easier it is to manifest as long as you detach, let go and be open to what comes.
Today is the last day that you can start the series from the beginning so check it out for yourself and check in with your desires! “The circle of life is about desire” Deepak Chopra.

Check out my Doctor Feel Good Journey to help understand the true nature of your desires..href=””>

Click here to discover Oprah and Deepak’s latest series