Stop, Look, Listen…Speak your truth

Stop! No really, sometimes it can take the smooth soulful sound of a Stylistics song to make us stop and smell the roses.

Why fool yourself
Don’t be afraid to help yourself
It’s never too late, too late to
Stop, look
Listen to your heart, hear what it’s saying
Stop, look
Listen to your heart, hear what it’s saying
Love, love, love”

with all of the intense planetary and astrological stormy weather going on around us all I have been hearing from people and clients is that they are feeling battered and bruised and don’t know which way is up right now. Lot’s of deep seated issues are surfacing for everyone and often with voices we don’t really recognize. It’s time to sit back, take a time out and listen to all of the non dominant little voices that are crying out to be heard…especially from the heart. You may be surprised at what you will learn about your inner self. Integration is key to self love and self acceptance and it will allow you to speak with your most authentic voice. Try my Truth Seeker Journey, to learn more about speaking your absolute truth click here…
learn to bring together all aspects of who you truly are no matter what the astrological weather!