Turn your security blanket into a superhero cape!

I recently posted a quote on Instagram “The day my security blanket became my superhero cape”. It made me think even more about how hard it is for us to face our fears and the self imposed limitations that we have placed upon ourselves.

Author Gay Hendricks talks a great deal about conquering your hidden fears in order to take your life to the next level in his book “The Big Leap” . It talks about the comfort zone that we willingly accept as our “normal” way of being, our security blanket.

Nearly all of us have a threshold or limit to the amount of happiness, love and abundance we are willing to bring into our lives. We all feel (to differing degrees) that if we exceed any or all of our predetermined levels of the aforementioned desired states of being that life will smack us upside the head and “bring us back down to earth” with a thud. Somehow, we feel that we have no right to a heightened level of happiness love and abundance. These attitudes have been set from childhood and often our subconscious will snap back that rubber band of over achieving. Should we get too used to being happy, content, loved up or fortunate and fulfilled, snap! Best to stay where we are on familiar ground!

We have to face our fear, yes, fear of being truly happy, truly loved up and truly abundant…this is where we are meant to exist!

How many of us have more than achieved a life goal or have felt the ultimate happiness in love or with life only to sabotage the whole damn thing? Deep down we do not believe that we are worth it. We have our own “ceiling” of what we can allow ourselves to feel comfortable with.

The book helps us to look at how we view and accept and are grateful for the love, abundance and happiness that we already have so that we can dwell there longer and longer in order to allow further growth in all of those areas and banish that self sabotaging invisible ceiling.

