
smoothie recipe health

She ‘aint heavy, she’s my smoothie!

July 4, 2018

how to practice self care in order to love your self with healthy eating

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Essence of the week… Vetiver

June 26, 2018

Right now I feel like the whole World needs grounding. We all need to feel present and connected to the Earth, not in a crunchy Birkenstocky kinda way ( although earthing isn’t a bad idea!) but by being in the now and being honest about what is really important in life…how about love, truth and…

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How a 200 meter journey changed my life

June 24, 2018

When I decided to “Use MY Lifesavings to Save My Life”  in the Spring of 2014 little did I know that my transformation was waiting for me 200m from my apartment on the Upper West Side of New York. With my previous life as a glamorous magazine Style Director recently locked in my mental Vuitton…

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The ego

June 23, 2018

The ego is often necessary in our modern world.We just have to learn when to embrace it and when to pat it on the back and move it aside to think higher thoughts.

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photo of man in woods at sunset


June 23, 2018

Explore your shadow side, for it is where you will find truth and light.

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photo of heart shaped candle with flame

Lighting your flame

June 23, 2018

Be your own guiding light…sometimes unusual gifts can be found in dark places, so shine that light!

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June 23, 2018

Who do you want to be when you grow up? I mean really grow up and take time to discover your most authentic self. It’s never too late…I’m still working on it!

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image of coloured smoke and energy field

Who needs aroma energy work?

June 23, 2018

Who needs aroma energy? well, you do! My combo helps calm stress and anxiety and gives clarity and focus to any major life changes, traumas or tough situations you may be going through as well as creating calm and balance. sounds good right?

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photo of golden grass in sunlight


June 22, 2018

Trust me, it takes a lot of work to discover your authentic self and even more work to put a voice to it! My aroma-reiki life journey sessions were created to take you on your own path of self discovery one chakra at a time!

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Self-care = Self-love

June 22, 2018

My top 2 hashtags on insta are self care and self love. It is so important  to develop a daily practice of doing something special for yourself on a mind, body or spirit level. after all self care is self love and you’re worth it!

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