Mark Reiki Instagram

aura, chakras, ascension, connection, spiritual, conscious


October 18, 2018

Me, my higher self and I have just returned from an amazing week long advanced aromatherapy course in Sedona. Held at the HQ of Wisdom of the Earth. These are the powerful consciously harvested, hand poured, organic and indigenous oils that I use in my personal and professional life. Six scentsational days of sniffing, smearing,…

Turn your security blanket into a superhero cape!

September 6, 2018

I recently posted a quote on Instagram “The day my security blanket became my superhero cape”. It made me think even more about how hard it is for us to face our fears and the self imposed limitations that we have placed upon ourselves. Author Gay Hendricks talks a great deal about conquering your hidden…

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gay men, the new spiritual superheroes

August 27, 2018

FFS! Where my gays at spiritually? Don’t you get that we have the potential to be the new spiritual gangstas? Like most box office superheroes we come from traumatic backgrounds, difficult childhoods, loss, separation and exclusion. We know what it’s like to have to carve out a life under the watchful gaze of hetero normalcy…

butterfly coccoon image

Transformation requires huge cojones…

August 26, 2018

Transformation often rears it’s ugly head when we most need it but don’t want to acknowledge it. To be able to accept that it is the thing that we need right now requires big balls. To actually do something about it requires even bigger cojones. When I had a massive life change thrust upon me…

image of a leaf with words

Essence of the week…Rue

August 18, 2018

This week’s essence is the powerful and ancient Rue, also known as Herb of Grace. When you just need to “Let it go” like Princess Elsa in the movie Frozen this is the essence for you. Not for nothing does rue also mean regret which this deeply spiritual oil helps with. This Balkan grown herb…

illustration of a vintage gramophone with womans head speaking words of wisdom

Stop, Look, Listen…Speak your truth

August 2, 2018

Stop! No really, sometimes it can take the smooth soulful sound of a Stylistics song to make us stop and smell the roses. “Why fool yourself Don’t be afraid to help yourself It’s never too late, too late to Stop, look Listen to your heart, hear what it’s saying Stop, look Listen to your heart,…

volcano, mercury retrograde, pressure, purging, detox, deep cleanse

Under pressure….!

July 30, 2018

“Pressure pushing down on me pressing down on you” do the lyrics for the Queen and David Bowie song feel and sound familiar right now? That is most likely due to the fact that we have had so much intense astrological and planetary action lately. The recent blood moon lunar eclipse which was the longest…

meditation desire attraction manifestation

Meditation and The Laws of Desire

July 27, 2018

Desire isn’t a dirty word! I had long thought that the word desire had negative or ego driven connotations but have recently discovered that desire is natural and necessary to life. This is thanks to the latest in Oprah & Deepak’s 21 day meditation series The Energy of Attraction. These free daily meditations have helped…

painting of mary magdalene holding a cup of oil

Essence of the week…Spikenard oil

July 19, 2018

This weeks essential oil is the ancient and precious Spikenard also known as Nard. It is mostly grown in the Himalayas of Nepal and was used in ancient Rome and Egypt as a perfume and incense for ceremonial purposes. It has also been recorded in the Bible that Mary Magdalene used a pint of this…

Illustration of a 1950's style woman inhaling from a perfume bottle

“What’s love got to do with it?” Cancer eclipse

July 13, 2018

The recent eclipse in the sign of cancer signifies a time of self healing and self love and looking to our past and our relationships to love, how we were loved and how we give love…are you a slave to love?

smoothie recipe health

She ‘aint heavy, she’s my smoothie!

July 4, 2018

how to practice self care in order to love your self with healthy eating

Essence of the week… Vetiver

June 26, 2018

Right now I feel like the whole World needs grounding. We all need to feel present and connected to the Earth, not in a crunchy Birkenstocky kinda way ( although earthing isn’t a bad idea!) but by being in the now and being honest about what is really important in life…how about love, truth and…

How a 200 meter journey changed my life

June 24, 2018

When I decided to “Use MY Lifesavings to Save My Life”  in the Spring of 2014 little did I know that my transformation was waiting for me 200m from my apartment on the Upper West Side of New York. With my previous life as a glamorous magazine Style Director recently locked in my mental Vuitton…

The ego

June 23, 2018

The ego is often necessary in our modern world.We just have to learn when to embrace it and when to pat it on the back and move it aside to think higher thoughts.

photo of man in woods at sunset


June 23, 2018

Explore your shadow side, for it is where you will find truth and light.