“What’s love got to do with it?” Cancer eclipse

The first of three powerful eclipses was in the sign of cancer yesterday. Often an eclipse hides more than it reveals! This latest one asks us to look at our relationship to love. How were we loved as a child, how did that affect the way we love now? Is love a nurturing thing for you or something distant or fearful?  Our emotional state is on high alert demanding that we look inwards…this is why it is a great time to try my Love Potion Journey which deals with all aspects of love, self love, healing and forgiveness.   http://markconnollyalchemy.com/love-potion/


Michelle Jeovanny at Dignity University put it perfectly

Here is Michelle’s thoughtful take…

Eclipse season has returned and yesterday marked our first one. These 3 eclipses highlight much growth and deep healing.

We all, in some level, are feeling the emotional undercurrent… accelerating our healing always entails deep feelings. And Cancer has us feel all of it.

When we talk about deep healing, without a doubt our past and childhood wounds resurface, as well as relationships.

Our past has in many ways shaped who we have become today. And there are thought patterns and habits that have also come about from our past that interfere with our growth. And our relationships in many ways give our life meaning, and can also become a huge distraction and detour to us reaching our truth.

Cancer reveals that inner child within us that all she or he wants is to feel love and be nurtured.

We’ve learned to take care of ourselves and others based on how we felt love and care growing up.

Without realizing that as children we made up our mind on what caring and love looks and feels like.

So here we are… humans feeling a bit jaded about certain relationships. Taking on the collective pain and feeling a bit resigned.


Feeling a bit lonely despite the facade of being busy and surrounded with people. Getting upset with the abuse in power that has separated families for ages.

Cancer has us feel, and as we try to make sense of it all, we see the hurting people, we see the surrendered people, we see the love.

In moments of deep healing make sure you tend to the earth, to your bodies, to your light… as we are inevitably holding space for ourselves and others to return to our sanity called love.

So today is about burning bridges.

We burn any and every bridge that has us look outside of us for us.

We burn every bridge that tells us the answer is out there.

We burn every bridge that has us be needy or feel unworthy of love.

We burn every bridge that has us feel insecure, small or inadequate.

And we dive in and start small.

We begin by licking our wounds and loving ourselves back to our truth.

We begin by caring and expressing love to ourselves in such a way that reminds us we were always worthy.

We begin by telling a better story and refocusing on all the things that give you butterflies.

We begin by extending that care to the humans mirroring back to us all the things we smile and hurt about, being a mirror of love and compassion.

I see you.
I am here.

We begin by remembering.

You are magnificent.
You are pure magick and stardust.
You are love and light embodied.
You are here for a magical reason.
You are powerful and always on purpose. You were called to here.

So we start small by acknowledging that everything we feel we are lacking within is a lie.

We take small steps to loving and nurturing ourselves and these limiting beliefs back into our light of limitless potential and infinite abundance.

When we love ourselves we take back our power and that love puts in place energetic boundaries towards all that abusive nature we once thought was love.

So many lightworkers get to do the heavy lifting… we are transitioning and it’s time to break free and burn all the bridges.

I honor you. I honor me. I honor all that is seeking to emerge within us all.

